Home / Capacity Building

Capacity Building Dates [2024]

Capacity Building Dates [2024]

The GGA capacity building program aims to support impact of local grower groups through building the human capital of the network. The program is tailored annually, aligning to members current needs and highest priorities, established via an annual GGA survey....

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Chairs Summit [2024]

Chairs Summit [2024]

SEPT 19/20
Supporting connection and exchange among leaders in the GGA network, the Chairs Summit was introduced in 2021 as a high-value networking and operational update event for the GGA ‘voting group’ Chairs & Vice-Chairs. The program includes a social dinner...

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Most Significant Change [2024]

Most Significant Change [2024]

MAY 22
The Most Significant Change (MSC) technique is a powerful monitoring and evaluation process to capture outcomes resulting from a project. GGA will deliver an in person full day training workshop on this technique open to network members and industry. Date and time...

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Researchers Professional Development Program

Researchers Professional Development Program

In 2024 GGA is launching a new four-part professional development program for research and project officers that will build the technical capability of this vital cohort of professionals whilst cultivating a supportive professional community of practice within the GGA...

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Extension & Adoption Training Program [2024]

Extension & Adoption Training Program [2024]

APRIL 10 - MAY 15
Date and time Six part series run over various dates starting Wed, 10 Apr 2024 and ending Wed, 15 May 2024 Location Module 1 (April 10) and Module 2 (April 11) are in person events and will be held at Pagoda Resort & Spa.112 Melville Pde Como, WA 6152 All other...

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‘Extension Fest’ Online Briefing Series

‘Extension Fest’ Online Briefing Series

APRIL 23 - JUL 19
In 2024, GGA will host ‘Extension fest’ – a new online series comprising six key briefing sessions on valuable resources available for GGA member groups to access and extend out to your own member stakeholders. Run entirely online, the briefing...

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Diploma of Project Management [2024]

Diploma of Project Management [2024]

JUN 4-7 [2023]
Accredited Diploma of Project Management Course ideal for ag industry staff or volunteers required to deliver projects to a deadline, within budget and with a mix of stakeholders involved such as research trials, networking events or conferences.This four-day...

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Reading Financial Statements Workshop [2024]

Reading Financial Statements Workshop [2024]

JUN 19
Join us online on June 19 for three hours, learning how to read financial statements and evaluate financial performance for not-for-profit groups. This is an essential workshop for volunteers, committees, and staff of not-for-profits that need to read financial...

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CBH Growing Leaders Scholarship

CBH Growing Leaders Scholarship

As part of the GGA Capacity Building program, with the support of CBH and in partnership with Leadership WA, GGA is strengthening leadership development within WA’s agricultural community. The Growing Leaders Scholarship sponsored by the CBH Group, places up to...

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Business Models Masterclass [2024]

Business Models Masterclass [2024]

JUL 31
Led by BDO’s business advisor Danny Olsen, this fully- facilitated 3-hour online masterclass steps delegates through the 10 key parts to reviewing or building a not-for-profit group ‘business model’, a critical strategic document for any...

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