Soilborne Pathogens in Winter Cereals

Soilborne Pathogens in Winter Cereals

The project will support grower access knowledge and experience in diagnosing and managing soilborne pathogen infection in cereals. A GRDC funded project led by Farmlink, GGA will collaborate with grower groups to support grower access knowledge and experience in...

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Australian Agrifood Data Exchange

Australian Agrifood Data Exchange

In a $3.9 million industry led initiative by MLA, GGA will be contributing to the newly formed Australian Agrifood Data Exchange (AAFDX) project. This nation-wide project has a vision for an interconnected data highway for Australia’s AgriFood value chain. The...

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Developing Premium Value Added Grain Products in WA

Developing Premium Value Added Grain Products in WA

Two grower groups have received funding to explore opportunities in the premium and value added grain space as part of an initiative between DPIRD’s Food Industry Innovation project and the Grower Group Alliance. Southern Dirt and South East Premium Wheatgrowers...

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