Grower Group Alliance

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The value of grower trips as an extension tool

Birchip Cropping Group’s Public Relations Officer, Justin Severin, presented a poster on the value of grower trips at the recent APEN Conference in Adelaide. The poster highlighted the following key points; Grower tours provide an important professional...

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MADFIG sets plans for the future

For the first time in its short history, the Merredin and Districts Farm Improvement Group (MADFIG) met to participate in a strategic planning workshop. The aim of the workshop was to develop a clear vision and establish a strategic plan to guide the group over the...

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APEN Conference Wrap Up + Project Leader receives Award

The 2015 APEN Conference, held in Adelaide, delved into all things extension, from practical research to the theory behind information sharing. The conference attracted attendees from across Australia and New Zealand, as well as parts of Asia and Europe, and although...

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New Strategic Advisory Group has first meeting

The GGA recently held it’s 17th Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) meeting. This meeting was the first for five new appointments to the group, after a number of long standing members finished their terms earlier this year. New appointees to the SAG include GRDC...

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Do it yourself Precision Agriculture

DIY Precision Agriculture, SEPWA’s introductory precision agriculture workshop, is coming up to its last year (2016) and they are getting close to reaching the required participant numbers, which means they won’t be doing as many WA road trips. Instead, SEPWA are...

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Grower Group R&D Grants

Round 1 expressions of interest are now open for the Grower Group Research and Development (R&D) Grants Program. The Grower Group R&D Grants Program is a major component of the Agricultural Sciences R&D Fund Royalties for Regions program, managed by DAFWA....

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MyCrop apps an essential field day accessory

Growers attending spring field days are now able to research new crop varieties on show from the palm of their hands. DAFWA’s MyCrop app for mobile devices now includes a variety selector for wheat and barley and has recently undergone an update. There are now...

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