WA Hemp Growers’ Co-op Ltd
Established in April 2018, we have slowly developed into a strong voice in Hemp Growing in WA and Australia. We have a research project occurring this season coming into Best seed for Region. The Co-op grew out of the need for new farmers in the hemp industry to gather both a voice and the numbers to import certified hemp seed into the State. We continue to import seed but we are now branching out and helping our farmers and other interested parties to develop businesses on the back of hemp growing.
Best seed for region with DPIRD.
Importing certified seed.
Importing certified seed.
Past Accomplishments
Coop registered in 2018 with business trading as HempGro. A successful recipient of the DPIRD Industrial Hemp Grants Scheme to research which variety of hemp will grow best in which region across WA. Partnerships formed with DPIRD, University of Western Australian, Murdoch University and Curtin University.