The Liebe Group is a grower driven, not-for-profit organisation in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia, including the shires of Dalwallinu, Wongan-Ballidu, Moora, Perenjori, Carnamah and Coorow. As a leading ‘grass roots’ grower group, the Liebe Group provides access for members to new ideas, innovation, research and networking opportunities. The mission of the group is to facilitate grower prioritised research, development and extension to support our members to be profitable and sustainable.
One of the Liebe Group’s main achievements has been the quality and quantity of information available and accessible to local growers through field days, workshops, annual R&D results publication and results from project work conducted since its inception in 1997.
The group’s objectives are to conduct high-priority research, development, implementation and validation; provide information, education, skills and training opportunities for members and wider community; target specific industry bodies and community media to raise awareness of successes in the agriculture industry and the needs of farmers; maintain sound financial base of the Liebe Group; support and maintain high performing staff; and follow corporate governance strategies correctly and maintain group.
One of the Liebe Group’s main achievements has been the quality and quantity of information available and accessible to local growers through field days, workshops, annual R&D results publication and results from project work conducted since its inception in 1997.
The group’s objectives are to conduct high-priority research, development, implementation and validation; provide information, education, skills and training opportunities for members and wider community; target specific industry bodies and community media to raise awareness of successes in the agriculture industry and the needs of farmers; maintain sound financial base of the Liebe Group; support and maintain high performing staff; and follow corporate governance strategies correctly and maintain group.
• Impact of stubble height on cropping systems in the western region.
• Supporting the adoption of innovative and sustainable soil management through an online peer learning network
• Seeing into the soil: adoption of a soil moisture probe network for increased water use efficiency in the low rainfall region of WA
• National Landcare program - smart farms small grants - soil extension activities
• Supporting the adoption of innovative and sustainable soil management through an online peer learning network
• Seeing into the soil: adoption of a soil moisture probe network for increased water use efficiency in the low rainfall region of WA
• National Landcare program - smart farms small grants - soil extension activities
Past Accomplishments
20 years of operation in 2017 Strong research collaborations with UWA, CSIRO, GRDC, DPIRD, Murdoch University & Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Strong partnerships with local agribusiness organisations. Successful implementation of GRDC and DAFF projects which deliver benefits to farm businesses. Successfully run, well-attended annual events including: Crop Updates, Women’s Field Day and Spring Field Day. Successful implementation of workshop series’ AgChats, and Bitesize Learning. Liebe Group Partners are an integral facet of the success of the group. Liebe Group would like to thank all sponsors and partners including Diamond Sponsors Rabobank, CSBP, CBH, and RSM.Successfully completed the construction of a purpose built Agricultural Research and Education Facility in 2018 including offices, meeting room spaces and research facilities through funding from the National Stronger Regions Fund, Royalties for Regions Regional Grants Scheme, GRDC Infrastructure Grant and through monetary support from Liebe Group members and supporters.
DIAMOND: Rabobank, RSM, CBH Group and CSBPGOLD: Farmanco, Elders, Imtrade, Agrimaster, AFGRI, ProcessWorx and Country Wide Insurance BrokersSILVER: Syngenta, Intergrain, Refuel Australia, AGT, Nufarm, Nutrien Ag, Grain Growers, Boekemans Dalwallinu, FMC, Adama, McIntosh & Son, Bayer, Summit Fertilsers, Pacific Seeds and Spraytec
17 Johnston St, (PO Box 340) Dalwallinu WA 6609