Leschenault Biosecurity Group
LBG is a not for profit organisation created by the community to address increasing concerns of vertebrate pests and weed pests in the Leschenault Biosecurity Operational Area. The group was originally formed in 2014 out of growing community concern for declared pests, and their impact on local producers and landholders. In 2019, the LBG became a Recognised Biosecurity Group (RBG) in accordance with the _Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act 2007)_. The Act sets out to reduce the impact of declared pests by enabling community governance through RBGs. RBGs are authorised by the Minister for Agriculture and supported by Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
Robust community programs and support for indivividual landholder management activities for vertebrate pests including foxes, feral pigs and wild rabbits and priority weed pests including, apple of sodom, arum lily, blackberry, bridal creeper, cape tulip, cleavers, cotton bush and paterson's curse. The activities include community coordinated and scheduled control activities, support for individual control efforts, including site visits, guidance, free loan of equipment and on-ground support where applicable to need and funding resources.
Past Accomplishments
1. Significant and annually growing participation from landholders across our operational area in our community coordinated declared pest management programs and activities for the management of declared pests, both animal and plant, as identified by our stakeholder communities; 2. Collaboration with the LGAs within our operational area, as well as peer organisations to promote, support and faciliate effective pest managment and identify potential emerging threats, share resources, best practices and challenges toward optimising effective pest management across our region.
Leschenault Biosecurity Group
18302 South Western Highway