Dr Christine Jones is an internationally renowned and highly respected groundcover and soil ecologist. She has been working with innovative landholders to implement regenerative land management practices that enhance biodiversity, increase biological activity, sequester carbon, activate soil nutrient cycles, restore water balance, improve productivity and create new topsoil.
Regenerative farming workshops and masterclasses will be run from Torbay to Margaret River, from Dandaragan to the Perth Hills. These workshops will explore soil biology and offer practical advice for farmers to increase their profit and productivity by implementing regenerative agriculture practices.
Tour event dates and locations:
February 2nd: Margaret River – Soil Secrets – The Fundamentals for Building Profit, Productivity & Natural Capital
February 3rd: Scott River – Regenerative Agriculture in Practice Project Group closed peer group Masterclass – SOLD OUT
February 7th: Bridgetown – Resilience through diversity
February 10th: Torbay – Profit, Productivity and Natural Capital for the South Coast of WA
February 11th: Marbelup – Farming for Profit and Productivity Masterclass – SOLD OUT
February 14th: Dandaragan – Healthy Farming Pathways Workshop
February 16th: Perth Hills – Perth Hills and Swan Valley Regenerative farming for Perennial Horticulture
February 18th: Serpentine – The importance of multispecies groundcover
Christine has organised and participated in workshops, field days, seminars and conferences throughout Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Western Europe, Central America, USA and Canada.