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Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop SA – Online
Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop SA – Online
The workshop will be based on Federal legislation and will contain information about the nuances of each individual state's legislation. The workshops are tailored to the four largest agricultural industries in Australia: Broadacre, Horticulture, Viticulture and Livestock. The program will be targeted at farm business owners and will result in the development of farm safety […]
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Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Bridgetown
Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Bridgetown
Dr. Christine Jones regenerative farming systems workshops Dr Christine Jones is an internationally renowned and highly respected groundcover and soil ecologist. She has been working with innovative landholders to implement regenerative land management practices that enhance biodiversity, increase biological activity, sequester carbon, activate soil nutrient cycles, restore water balance, improve productivity and create new topsoil. […]
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Frank Mitloehner Public Lecture – Greenhouse Gas Accounting
Frank Mitloehner Public Lecture – Greenhouse Gas Accounting
Prof. Frank Mitloehner: new methane accounting for agriculture. Public lecture Wednesday 8 February 2023, 10.00am - 12.00pm Venue: Wesfarmers Lecture Theatre, UWA Business School, Hackett Drive, Crawley Join Professor Mitloehner from UC Davis, to discuss how industry and the research community could respond to the challenge of agriculture becoming carbon neutral. Register to attend in person here Register […]
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Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Torbay
Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Torbay
Dr. Christine Jones regenerative farming systems workshops Dr Christine Jones is an internationally renowned and highly respected groundcover and soil ecologist. She has been working with innovative landholders to implement regenerative land management practices that enhance biodiversity, increase biological activity, sequester carbon, activate soil nutrient cycles, restore water balance, improve productivity and create new topsoil. […]
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Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Marbelup
Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Marbelup
Dr. Christine Jones regenerative farming systems workshops Dr Christine Jones is an internationally renowned and highly respected groundcover and soil ecologist. She has been working with innovative landholders to implement regenerative land management practices that enhance biodiversity, increase biological activity, sequester carbon, activate soil nutrient cycles, restore water balance, improve productivity and create new topsoil. […]
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Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Dandaragan
Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Dandaragan
Dr. Christine Jones regenerative farming systems workshops Dr Christine Jones is an internationally renowned and highly respected groundcover and soil ecologist. She has been working with innovative landholders to implement regenerative land management practices that enhance biodiversity, increase biological activity, sequester carbon, activate soil nutrient cycles, restore water balance, improve productivity and create new topsoil. […]
AgInnovate 2023 Extension Micro-Course – Using ORID
AgInnovate 2023 Extension Micro-Course – Using ORID
Learn how to use an ORID (Objective, Reflective, Interpretive, Decisional) as an evaluation and reflection tool in group activities. Its simplicity leads people through the decision making – adoption process. Presented by Danielle Lannin.
Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop NSW – Online
Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop NSW – Online
The workshop will be based on Federal legislation and will contain information about the nuances of each individual state's legislation. The workshops are tailored to the four largest agricultural industries in Australia: Broadacre, Horticulture, Viticulture and Livestock. The program will be targeted at farm business owners and will result in the development of farm safety […]
Rural Edge: NBN Farm Tech Workshop – Mukinbudin
Rural Edge: NBN Farm Tech Workshop – Mukinbudin
THIS WORKSHOP PROVIDES A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN AND REFINE HOW TO IMPLEMENT & BENEFIT FROM THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY ON FARM You will be guided through the process of developing a personalised Farm Tech plan designed to achieve improvements in productivity and efficiency using what resources you have now and identifying where technology can […]
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ASHEEP Cattle Workshop
ASHEEP Cattle Workshop
Half day workshop with vet Dr Enoch Bergman covering preparing heifers & bulls for joining, improving breeding outcomes through better bull management, bovine herpesvirus vaccination, potential impacts of early weaning, Body Condition Scoring (BCS) cattle and BVD serology. Contact Sarah Brown at or 0409 335 194
Rural Edge: NBN Farm Tech Workshop – Merredin
Rural Edge: NBN Farm Tech Workshop – Merredin
THIS WORKSHOP PROVIDES A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN AND REFINE HOW TO IMPLEMENT & BENEFIT FROM THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY ON FARM You will be guided through the process of developing a personalised Farm Tech plan designed to achieve improvements in productivity and efficiency using what resources you have now and identifying where technology can […]
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GGA ‘Lift Off’ Training Retreat
Two day in person training retreat for GGA Network members only. Register here
Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Perth Hills
Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Perth Hills
Dr. Christine Jones regenerative farming systems workshops Dr Christine Jones is an internationally renowned and highly respected groundcover and soil ecologist. She has been working with innovative landholders to implement regenerative land management practices that enhance biodiversity, increase biological activity, sequester carbon, activate soil nutrient cycles, restore water balance, improve productivity and create new topsoil. […]
Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop SA – Online
Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop SA – Online
The workshop will be based on Federal legislation and will contain information about the nuances of each individual state's legislation. The workshops are tailored to the four largest agricultural industries in Australia: Broadacre, Horticulture, Viticulture and Livestock. The program will be targeted at farm business owners and will result in the development of farm safety […]
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Rural Edge: Farm & Family Succession Planning Workshop
Rural Edge: Farm & Family Succession Planning Workshop
The list of challenges to agricultural sector are many and every changing and farm succession remains one of the most significant challenges for agribusinesses to navigate. The 2022 State of Agribusiness in Australia report, released by RSM Australia earlier this year identified comprehensive planning of succession as one of the most essential elements within the […]
CBH Cocktail Party (by invite)
CBH Cocktail Party (by invite)
Invitation only event from CBH Group Enquiries to
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Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Serpentine
Regenerative Farming Workshop and Masterclass – Serpentine
Dr. Christine Jones regenerative farming systems workshops Dr Christine Jones is an internationally renowned and highly respected groundcover and soil ecologist. She has been working with innovative landholders to implement regenerative land management practices that enhance biodiversity, increase biological activity, sequester carbon, activate soil nutrient cycles, restore water balance, improve productivity and create new topsoil. […]
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Rural Edge: NBN Farm Tech Workshop – Corrigin
Rural Edge: NBN Farm Tech Workshop – Corrigin
THIS WORKSHOP PROVIDES A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN AND REFINE HOW TO IMPLEMENT & BENEFIT FROM THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY ON FARM You will be guided through the process of developing a personalised Farm Tech plan designed to achieve improvements in productivity and efficiency using what resources you have now and identifying where technology can […]
GRDC National Grower Network Forum: Carnamah
GRDC National Grower Network Forum: Carnamah
The Grains Research and Development Corporation National Grower Network Forum provides an opportunity for anyone involved in the grains industry to bring forward ideas including opportunities and constraints which are relevant to the grains industry. Ideas raised will be discussed in detail, to assist the GRDC to develop targeted RD&E activities that create enduring profitability […]
Southern Dirt Field Walk
Southern Dirt Field Walk
Join us for an afternoon field walk to learn about projects in the area. Followed by a Sundowner sponsored by Rabobank with a presentation on Sustainability and Carbon. Transport by bus to and from the site. RSVP via QR code or email Event queries - Wendy 0448 939 307
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Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop QLD – Online
Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop QLD – Online
The workshop will be based on Federal legislation and will contain information about the nuances of each individual state's legislation. The workshops are tailored to the four largest agricultural industries in Australia: Broadacre, Horticulture, Viticulture and Livestock. The program will be targeted at farm business owners and will result in the development of farm safety […]
Rural Edge: NBN Farm Tech Workshop – Kulin
Rural Edge: NBN Farm Tech Workshop – Kulin
THIS WORKSHOP PROVIDES A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN AND REFINE HOW TO IMPLEMENT & BENEFIT FROM THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY ON FARM You will be guided through the process of developing a personalised Farm Tech plan designed to achieve improvements in productivity and efficiency using what resources you have now and identifying where technology can […]
GRDC National Grower Network Forum: Narembeen
GRDC National Grower Network Forum: Narembeen
The Grains Research and Development Corporation National Grower Network Forum provides an opportunity for anyone involved in the grains industry to bring forward ideas including opportunities and constraints which are relevant to the grains industry. Ideas raised will be discussed in detail, to assist the GRDC to develop targeted RD&E activities that create enduring profitability […]
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Collaboration in Carbon Farming – Heidi Mippy from Noongar Land Enterprise Group – Online
Collaboration in Carbon Farming – Heidi Mippy from Noongar Land Enterprise Group – Online
An all-hands-on-deck approach to carbon farming paves the way for environmental, economic and community resilience. By seeking consultation with First Nations People when planning and establishing a carbon project, the benefits will spread further afield than just your project boundaries. From localised wildfire mitigation and improved biodiversity and vegetation health to employment opportunities and improved […]
GRDC National Grower Network Forum: Newdegate
GRDC National Grower Network Forum: Newdegate
The Grains Research and Development Corporation National Grower Network Forum provides an opportunity for anyone involved in the grains industry to bring forward ideas including opportunities and constraints which are relevant to the grains industry. Ideas raised will be discussed in detail, to assist the GRDC to develop targeted RD&E activities that create enduring profitability […]
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Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop TAS – Online
Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop TAS – Online
The workshop will be based on Federal legislation and will contain information about the nuances of each individual state's legislation. The workshops are tailored to the four largest agricultural industries in Australia: Broadacre, Horticulture, Viticulture and Livestock. The program will be targeted at farm business owners and will result in the development of farm safety […]
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AgZero 2030 WA Primary Industries in the Energy Transition: Market Incentives
AgZero 2030 WA Primary Industries in the Energy Transition: Market Incentives
Agenda 1.00pm Open and Welcome 1.10pm Larissa Taylor, Savoir Consulting, ESG, Sustainability, Food and Agribusiness Progress with decarbonising Australian economy since mid-2022, implications and opportunities for climate and nature resilient primary industries in the energy transition 1.40pm John Connor, CEO Carbon Market Institute Update on federal energy and climate regulation; results from UN Climate COP27 […]
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GRDC Grains Research Updates Perth
2023 GRDC Research Update Perth Program A two day program showcasing the latest research, technology, market development and innovations to improve the productivity and profitability of the WA grains industry. The 2023 Perth Update will be held on 27th and 28th February at Crown Perth, with dates and locations for one day regional events to […]
Turning the Dial
Turning the Dial is a 2-day event dedicated to food waste, sustainable packaging and sustainability beyond an environmental lens.
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2023 GIWA Breakfast
Event Details The breakfast event is being held alongside the GRDC Grains Research Update, Perth. Register online before Friday, 17 February to secure your ticket/s. The GIWA Breakfast is proudly sponsored by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), the Hon. Jackie Jarvis MLC, Minister of Agriculture and Food; Forestry; Small Business will be in attendance. Cost to […]
Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop
Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop
This is an interactive workshop designed to get you started on improving farm safety and building a system. This workshop will assist you to establish your safety priorities and provides clear templates and guidelines to get you started or take your safety up a notch. Farm safety can no longer be ignored – it is […]
Mid West Hydrogen Forum
Mid West Hydrogen Forum
Are you a pastoralist or broadacre farmer, Traditional Owner, local government, landholder, or community member interested in finding out more about the developing renewable energy and hydrogen sectors in the Mid West? This event aims to inform you about potential impacts and benefits of these emerging industries, with topics including changing landscapes, diversification leases, legalities […]
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Liebe Crop Updates, Trials Review & AGM – Save the date!
Liebe Crop Updates, Trials Review & AGM – Save the date!
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) invites all Liebe Group members to nominate and elect committee members for the coming year. A members-only event, the Trials Review Day links growers with industry representatives, allowing them to obtain first-hand information on results from local trials and research. The Crop Updates forum is designed to assist growers to […]
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GIWA Crop Updates – Bencubbin
This is an opportunity to hear from a range of invested agricultural experts, researchers and developers on the current state of play specific to region, and see what work is in the pipeline to support our industry in the future. The event is brought to you by GRDC, hosted by MADFIG and supported by GIWA. […]