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AgInnovate 2023 Extension Micro-Course – The Adoption Curve
Where do farmer’s sit on the adoption curve? What are the characteristics of each cohort? How do we use ‘diffusion of innovation’ to create change in my industry or region? […]
UWA IOA Lecture: China’s demand for food-away-from-home
Agriculture Lecture Theatre, The University of Western Australia 401, Floor 1 Institute of Agriculture & North West Wing BuildingAbout the lecture Economic growth and income level, in general, leads to changes in consumer’s consumption behaviour leading to a change in demand for goods and services. The past four […]
MLA – Nutrition Edge – Broome
Nutrition EDGE is a three-day workshop and practical session covering all aspects of animal nutrition. Participants will be able to make better decisions to achieve their herd performance targets through […]
Rural Edge: National Farm Safety Workshop NSW – Online
The workshop will be based on Federal legislation and will contain information about the nuances of each individual state's legislation. The workshops are tailored to the four largest agricultural industries […]
DPIRD – Have your say! Agricultural emissions reduction survey – survey deadline – closes today!
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is working on emissions reduction strategies in consultation with the WA agriculture sector, including producers, business, industry, banking, research institutions and […]
EarthWhile Australia – Soil Microscopy Workshop – It’s the Soil That Counts
Denmark Environmental Centre 35 Strickland Street, Denmark, WA, AustraliaEvent description Soil microbes are essential to healthy soil and healthy soil is essential to healthy plants. Let us build your knowledge and skills to understand how microbes build soil, […]
SCF Fallow Replacement Field Walk
Woogenellup Chester Pass Road, 900m N of Chillinup Rd turnoff, WA, AustraliaASHEEP Non-Mules Esperance Producer Meeting
For more information contact Ed Riggal AgPro Management 0428 299 007
MLA – Earth Day 2023 – webinar
In this one-hour webinar, we’ll outline the: investments the Australian red meat industry is undertaking to have a positive impact on the environment and overall sustainability of the industry important […]