Home / Projects / Strategic Plan Subsidy [2020/21]

Strategic Plan Subsidy [2020/21]

In 2021, the GGA has offered a 75% Subsidy for GGA Network Members to engage a consultant to prepare a Strategic Plan for their organisation.

A strategic plan is like a roadmap, it sets out the vision, purpose and focus areas of work for an organisation. A Strategic Plan is a fundamental guiding document that all your organisations activities should align with. Strategic plans are usually 3 or 5 years in length. Without one, an organisation lacks focus and intention. A strong strategic plan has a ripple affect throughout your group, uniting your committee staff and volunteers and can elicit engagement from new volunteers and members into your organisation who feel aligned with your groups vision and work. Refer to the GGA Strategic Plan as an example.

Deadlines for opting into the GGA 2021 Strategic Plan Subsidy are around mid May 2021, work does not need to be completed in the current financial year. Contact Kallista Bolton from GGA.

Grower Groups Opting into the Strategic Plan Subsidy in 2021

Facey Group
Gascoyne Catchments Group
Gillamii Centre
Lower South West Grower Group
Nyabing Farm Improvement Group
Southern Rangelands Pastoral Alliance
Stirlings to Coast
Three Springs Catchment Group


Posted on

19 Feb 2021