Home / Activities / Strategic Plan 75% Subsidy [2023/4]

Strategic Plan 75% Subsidy [2023/4]

In the 2023/34 financial year, GGA will offer up to six GGA voting member group a 75% Subsidy to engage a consultant to prepare or update and existing strategic plan for their organisation.

What is a Strategic Plan?

A strategic plan is a fundamental guiding document that all your organisations activities should align with. It serves as a roadmap for a group and ensures groups stay aligned to delivering activities considered relevant and high value to their members.

A strategic plan includes the vision, purpose and focus areas of work for an organisation.

Strategic plans are usually 3 or 5 years in length. Without one, an organisation lacks focus and intention.

A strong strategic plan has a ripple effect throughout your group, uniting your committee staff and volunteers and can elicit engagement from new volunteers and members into your organisation who feel aligned with your groups vision and work.

Refer to the GGA Strategic Plan as an example.


The value of the 75% subsidy is up to $3,750 + GST per group and applied to the report work only, consultants travel is at the groups expense.


GGA has selected two consultants experienced with grower groups that understand the operational context and challenges.

We will share their quotes for groups to review once an EOI is lodged by your group.

Should your group have a pre-existing relationship or prefer to use another consultant, that is fine, however, the subsidy maximum will still apply.

Timeline for the program

EOI’s for the Subsidy remain open until the GGA budget for 2023/24 financial year are exhausted.
Work on the plan with the consultant ideally needs to be completed within the financial year.
Some extension may be granted by prior arrangements.

Benchmarking health check

As part of GGA’s risk management process, groups receiving any subsidy amounts are required to have completed the GGA grower group benchmarking process.

This simple due diligence step prior to GGA investing cash subsidies into GGA member groups forms part of GGA’s good governance process, ensuring groups are self-identifying any issues that could impact their future as a going concern.

Use of the GGA benchmarking app is restricted to voting member groups of the GGA network and it is a simple, free, confidential self-evaluation process (GGA does not see individual group results).

Access, and learn more about the development and benefits of the GGA grower group benchmarking process here.


2023/24 Recipients

Grower Groups supported with the subsidy in the current financial year:

  • Women in Farming
  • Fitzgerald Biosphere Group
  • Compass Agricultural Alliance
  • WA No-tillage farmers
  • Southern Dirt
  • Great Southern Wine Producers Association

2020/21 Recipients

Grower Groups supported with the subsidy in 2021:

  • CFIG
  • Facey Group
  • Gascoyne Catchments Group
  • Gillamii Centre
  • LIEBE Group
  • Lower South West Grower Group
  • Nyabing Farm Improvement Group
  • Southern Rangelands Pastoral Alliance
  • Stirlings to Coast Farmers
  • Three Springs Catchment Group


Contact Kallista Bolton from GGA.


Posted on

06 May 2022