Home / Activities / Reading Financial Statements Workshop [2024]

Reading Financial Statements Workshop [2024]

Join us online on June 19 for three hours, learning how to read financial statements and evaluate financial performance for not-for-profit groups.

This is an essential workshop for volunteers, committees, and staff of not-for-profits that need to read financial statements and evaluate financial performance as part of their role.

Following this workshop you will understand the income statement, balance sheet, cashflow, financial ratios and be clear about duties in relation to not-for-profit reporting.


Date – June 19, 2024

Approximately 2hr 45 minutes content in the course.

Session 1 | 1.00pm – 2.30pm (1hr 30 min)

Break 2.30pm -2.45am (15 min)

Session 2 | 2.45 – 4.00 pm (1hr 15min)

Handout Pack

Course Content

Reading Financial Statements and evaluating performance

  • Know the purpose of the main financial statements and the links between them
  • Be clear about Directors duties in relation to NFP finances and financial reporting
  • Understand the basics of evaluating financial performance
  • Use financial ratios as a tool to evaluate financial performance
  • Be clear about Directors’ duties in relation to solvency
  • Be aware of the Board’s role in improving financial performance

Benefits of the workshop

The benefits of doing financial literacy training are immediate but can last a lifetime:

  • Understand financial reports tables within your group meetings and operations
  • Boost confidence to contribute to conversations about financial evaluation
  • Be clear on your responsibilities around financial awareness
  • Understand rations that can signal financial risk
  • Support others around you to interpret financials to enable considered conversations

Format & Features of the Workshop

Delivery – we are delivering this online using Zoom

Example case study – Work through a case example of financials laced with a few errors to try out your new skills

Interactive Q&A format – The sessions will be interactive with the instructor fielding questions as they arise. You will benefit from these interactions as regional not-for-profit groups experience similar challenges.

		Half Day GGA  & CBH Reading Financial Statements Workshop (3 hours) image

25 Places

There is space for 25 delegates and will be filled on a first come first served basis. *We require a minimum of 10 delegates workshop to proceed.

In addition to agriculture grower group delegates, the workshops are usually attended by a diverse group of volunteers such as sporting clubs, community event groups etc. This provides a rich opportunity to share experiences, challenges and insights with other volunteers involved with not for profit groups around WA and perhaps pick up innovative ways to tackle common issues.

15 seats are specifically set aside for agricultural industry participants and up to 10 seats will be available for general community group participants such as sporting club volunteers wishing to extend their governance skills. Spread the word!

*If interest is very strong we may need to restrict participants to a maximum of 4 per group/organisation.

Workshop Sponsor Evaluation

As part of the CBH Groups governance processes for monitoring and evaluation of activities delivered with the support of their Community Investment Fund, participants will be asked to complete an evaluation on conclusion of the workshop and will be emailed at a future interval as a way of measuring impact.

It is a condition of registration that participants engage in this feedback evaluation process.


Direct any enquiries about participation to the workshops co-ordinator – Kallista Bolton, GGA Stakeholder & Communications Manager

T: 0421 623 406

E: kbolton@gga.org.au

Project Sponsor


Posted on

20 Mar 2024