In 2022, the GGA is offering up to eight GGA member grower groups a 75% subsidy to work with consultants AgKnowledge to prepare a Research, Development, Extension and Adoption plan for their group.
For a grower group engaging in research, a Research, Development, Extension and Adoption plan is a key document, and serves as a groups research roadmap to deliver on their stakeholder priorities. It is a bespoke, localised plan that sets out the priorities, focus, proposed funding sources, a delivery timeline of research, extension and adoption targets for a grower group and reflects your stakeholders highest preferences.
Benefits of investing time and funds into developing a R,D,E&A plan include:
1. Provides clarity and focus for a grower group
2. Provides a valuable document to pitch to prospective funders, sponsors and partners.
3. Positions your group as a serious player in the R,D,E&A community demonstrating you are organised, focused and ready to mobilise delivery of a R,D,E& A activities.
4. The process is an opportunity to deliver value and relevance to your farming members and other invested stakeholders such as sponsors and provides a member activation and engagement pathway.
5. Attracts collaboration opportunities and partners.
Consultants Agknowledge will work with up to eight GGA grower group members during 2022 to develop a research, development, extension and adoption (RDE&A) plan. This will allow these groups to continue to deliver relevant, credible, and local RDE&A that is highly valued by their members.
Working individually with each grower group, Acknowledge will work collaboratively to understand the current processes, funding and implementation; mostly as an internal process to collate information, and then facilitate a day long workshop to review and build or rebuild the RDE&A plan.
AgKnowledge has developed a systematic methodology to facilitate a group to develop their plan.
Part 1 – Initial Zoom briefing session with the Grower Group Executive and the Chair of the R&D Committee
Part 2 – AgKnowledge undertake a body of work to develop draft concepts
Part 3 – Interactive member workshop which aims to finalise priorities and output a plan.
What is the grower group commitment
To opt into this offer, each group will need:
- To have the budget to make a contribution of $1,375 (inclusive of GST) which represents 25% of the fee
- Around 20 hours capacity for the group Executive Officer (or other) to drive the process internally
- An engaged committee to make input
- A critical mass of member stakeholders interested in participating in the workshop and any follow-up in a timely manner.
GGA’s contribution will be $4,125 per group (inclusive of GST) which is 75% of the plan fee.

Detailed Quote
A detailed quote and process document has been prepared for groups that would like to review the process in depth.
Example Plan
An example of a past example R,D,E &A document prepared for a grower group is available on request to gain a greater insight to the final plan.

Observer opportunity
For groups interested but unsure if they want to engage in developing a plan, there may be the opportunity for up to two delegates to sit in as an observer on another groups member workshop (Part 3 above). This would not mean a re-design of the workshop activity to accommodate the invited observers but allow for a clear understanding of the process and potential adaption within the observing grower group.
About the Facilitators
Agknowledge® is a small company providing strategic management advice to a range of agribusiness companies and farming enterprises across Australia. Agknowledge® principals Peter Cooke and Nicol Taylor work nationally from a base in Western Australia, and combined they have over 65 years of involvement in agribusiness at all levels from strategic planning for agribusiness companies, government and industry policy, research, succession planning and business development.
Specifically, Agknowledge has developed and delivered a methodology and a one day workshop to assist grower groups to develop their Research, Development, Extension and Adoption Plan (RDE&A). Most recently these include the Stirlings to Coast Farmers, Wheatbelt NRM, Pomewest and COBWA.

Agknowledge® Principal Peter Cooke
Expression of Interest
Four groups can be facilitated prior to June 30 and a further four can be facilitated in the new financial year after July 1, 2022. Expression of Interests to opt into the GGA 2022 R,D,E&A Plan subsidy are due by April 30, 2022 or until such date that all eight subsidies are allocated.
As of 1st May, we have eight EOI’s and any further interested groups will be placed on a waitlist.
To review the quote proposal email Kallista Bolton from GGA or call 0421 623 406.