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Researchers Professional Development Program

In 2024 GGA is launching a new four-part professional development program for research and project officers that will build the technical capability of this vital cohort of professionals whilst cultivating a supportive professional community of practice within the GGA network.

Four Part Structure

Following a co-design process, the program has evolved into four components adapted to serve the ongoing and changing needs through the network

  • Part 1 – Independent learning ~ a comprehensive onboarding and basic training series for new hires
  • Part 2 – Group learning ~ continuous learning professional development series comprising a blend of group learning opportunities via in-person or online events during the year and
  • Part 3 – ‘Community of Practice’ within the GGA network cohort.
  • Part 4 – Private optional mentoring support for existing research or project officers.

Activity Dates [List]

Upcoming planned activities in the program will be loaded here so you can block out diary dates in advance. Click through the Access/Registration EOI link to save yourself a seat!

Activity Dates [Gallery]

Upcoming planned activities in the program will be loaded here so you can block out diary dates in advance. Click through the Access/Registration EOI link to save yourself a seat!

Lodge an EOI to attend

About the four learning components

Part 1 – Independent online learning

Currently under development, this part of the program is aimed at supporting the induction of new hires [or to fill knowledge gaps for existing staff], this part of the training series comprises a collection of online resources and video tutorials accompanied by templates, worksheets, and additional resources covering the following topics:

•              Trial Design: Small plot and Paddock Scale.

•              Trial Implementation: Covering elements such as: marking out a trial for a subcontractor to seed, conducting emergence measurements, disease surveys, plant cuts, and project management skills. Additionally, it will outline seasonal activities that research officers should attend, such as seeding and harvest, and provide key contacts for effective project coordination.

•              Farm Access 101: Considerations such as biosecurity, farmer engagement etiquette, essential ute kit, and safety considerations.

•              Basic Statistical Analysis

•              Data Collection and Management: Best practices for labeling and handling samples to minimize errors, and managing data sheets.

•              Report Writing: Offering guidance on producing high-quality reports.

•              Basic Agronomy: Catering to new hires without an agricultural background, providing fundamental knowledge in agronomy with a 50% discount on the Planfarm Academy Agronomy of Farming course.

Part 2 – Group learning events

From a co-design workshop with existing research and project officers working within the GGA network, the following priorities emerged and will be delivered in a blend of 4-6 in-person or online events over the year and chosen based on current needs of the network cohort.

•              Report Writing

•              Scientific communications – translating a report to be communicated via other formats eg.Newsletters, case studies

•              Trial design

•              Agronomy

•              Agtech topic – could be NDVI, VR , GIS, cleaning header data

•              Soil science & testing

•              Public Speaking – presenting scientific content and getting the message across.

Part 3 – Community of Practice

A community of practice is an essential component in fostering resilience and supporting long-term engagement. A community of practice connects professionals and cultivates social support links, building collegiate professional ties between participants navigating their individual roles and longer term career.

The cohort will rotate hosting brief quarterly online meetings. These meetings could include a presentation about an upcoming activity eg. Harvest cuts (using external presenters or participants), or they can be used as an opportunity to practice upcoming presentations, practice skills learnt in the program, or a forum to ask for advice from peers.

Part 4 – Mentoring

GGA has the opportunity to include the grower group officers in a new program that DPIRD will be rolling out.
More details to come on this component.

Past activities

Launch at Lift Off x evokeAG [19 Feb]

It all begins at Lift Off ’24.

GGA is especially pleased to welcome Research / Project Officers from WA GGA member groups for an afternoon launch of the comprehensive new GGA professional development programs as part of GGA Lift Off x evokeAG on Feb 19, 2024.

GGA Lift Off aims to build alignment across the GGA network at the start of the year consolidating important working relationships, provide valuable operational updates and opportunity for capacity building.

In 2024, Lift Off will take its place as a unique lead-in ‘sideline event’ to the major international ag industry conference evokeAG being held in Perth the same week.

The Lift Off ’24 program will be enriched this year by opening up to interstate and international delegates that will be in Perth for evokeAG and we will aim to host a 2-hour WA X interstate x international ‘ show and tell’ grower group exchange experience.

Feb 19 – Research /Project Officers Afternoon Program $90

Time – 1.30pm – 4.30pm | Adnate Hotel

Following lunch, WA Research/Project Officers will break-away for an afternoon of professional development run from [the beautiful] Adnate Hotel [300m walk up the road].

Led by GGA’s Michelle Condy, an inspiring afternoon process will be facilitated by the team from Value Creators in a six-part program.

Part 1 – Overview of the new 3 year GGA Research/Project Officers PD program

Part 2 – Meet your GGA network colleagues

Part 3 – Personality types – working to your strengths

Arvo Tea Break [Poolside]

Part 4 – Your role – set your goals on leading and driving change in the agriculture ecosystem

Part 5 – Resilience and building a confident growth mindset

Part 6 – Co-design the ‘Research / Project Officers community of practice’

*Subject to change

More details on the afternoon Research / Project Officers program

Optional Networking Sundowner $39

5.00pm – 6.30pm | Poolside – Adnate Hotel

Make the most of your time and build your ag industry contacts. Join us for a catered poolside networking sundowner at the beautiful Adnate Hotel.

Includes 1 hour service of canapes food, venue and some soft drinks.

Alcoholic drinks purchased from the bar at own expense.


Come for the whole of Lift Off or just the afternoon program. Registrations are open now and close Friday 10 February. Click through to Eventbrite for ticketing.


Enquiries to Michelle Condy at GGA 0431 869 030.


Posted on

07 Apr 2024