Home / Projects / National Industry-led Carbon Farming Outreach Program

National Industry-led Carbon Farming Outreach Program

This two year project will deliver a nation-wide carbon farming outreach program, largely in broadacre and pastoral industries.​

Led by the Grower Group Alliance, this project unites 40 farming and land management groups from all states and the Northern Territory with a combined partners’ membership of 20,000+ farming businesses. ​

Grower groups will provide training on a local scale, partnering with farm advisory service providers to deliver trusted, reliable advice to an estimated 3,500+ farming enterprises. Participants will be armed with capacity to reduce emissions, sequester carbon and consider carbon farming opportunities.​

Delivered with funding support from the Commonwealth of Australia through the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water under the Carbon Farming Outreach Program

Partner Map

Partners in this national project extend across most states and territories of Australia.

Partner Directory

Project Consortia and Governance Structure

Project Activities

  • Nominate participants for DCCEEW training.​
  • 130 trainers comprising staff from 50 grower groups and up to 80 industry professionals to complete the ‘train the trainer’ program, which will enable ongoing knowledge sharing.
  • Co-design streamlined delivery process with TWG, including templates & materials.​
  • 160 carbon farming related workshops to be delivered across Australia, based on DCCEEW train-the trainer program​
  • 50 plus awareness-raising events and engagement at six major events to be undertaken​
  • Support consortium in training delivery, provide access to experienced advisors.​
  • Participation in Community of Practice, events and networking opportunities to be organised by DCCEEW.
  • Establish Steering Committee & Technical Working Group (TWG)​
  • Develop advisor capabilities through a community of practice.​
  • Monitor consortium performance, collect data and report to DCCEEW​
  • Supporting training package evaluation processes, including providing feedback on gaps in training and collecting and providing to DCCEEW feedback from farmers and land managers.​
  • Information sharing, including sharing tailored resources created and/or case studies and supplying content for communications material (website/newsletter etc).​


Project Team


Enquiries to carbon@gga.org.au



Posted on

29 Jun 2024