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Lift Off ’25

Kickstart the year by attending GGA’s Lift Off ‘25. Exclusive to GGA members, this annual event is your chance to develop staff and volunteers, forge stronger connections within the network, gain valuable operational insights, and build working knowledge through interactive sessions—all while enjoying fun and relaxed social opportunities. Your group won’t want to miss it!

2025 Sessions PowerPoints

Session 1 – GGA Innovation Program [Dr Jo Wisdom & Goug Hamilton]

Session 2 – GGA Operational Updates [Rikki Foss & Kallista Bolton]

Session 4 – Stakeholder Mapping [Kallista Bolton]

Session 5a – Presentation from GRDC [Peter Bird]

Session 5b -Presentation from MLA [David Beatty]

Session 8 – Capacity Building Program [Kallista Bolton]

Who should attend

CEOs and EOs, as well as staff and operational volunteers from Committees and Boards, will benefit from investing time in attending Lift Off.

Come for the whole program or just the sessions most relevant to your operations. You’ll leave with improved relationships, updated working knowledge, and potential project collaborators. There are plenty of social opportunities at breaks, lunchtime, a sundowner, and a sit-down 3-course evening dinner.

It’s the ideal event to connect with the diverse GGA member community as well as gain a better understanding of GGA staff members and the areas they work in that can benefit your group.

Date & Venue

From 11.15 am Thursday 13 February – 1.30 pm Friday 14 February 2025.
Venue – Aloft Hotel – 27 Rowe Ave Rivervale WA 6103

Event Purpose

Lift Off aims to build alignment across the GGA network at the start of the year consolidating important working relationships, providing valuable operational updates and opportunities for capacity building.

Benefits of attending ‘Lift Off’

Do you need a business case to justify attending Lift Off? Here are the key reasons why your group should be in the room:

  • Build your group’s profile, visibility and identify collaboration links with others
  • Commence the working year with up-to-date information on opportunities
  • Learn about other groups’ projects and discover knowledge to share with your farmers
  • Engage with funders and RCD’s and hear about their performance expectation
  • Providing input and engaging in two-way feedback sessions in a facilitated format
  • Meet GGA staff, find out what they do, and how your group can benefit from their roles
  • Receive the latest information on GGA’s direction
  • Hear about the revenue flowing now, and in the future to GGA members from its work.


*Program subject to change

Thursday 13 February

Arrival | 11.15am – 11.30am 

Session 1 – Innovation – overview of the global innovation ecosystem, challenges, and opportunities for involvement through the ‘PropaGATE’ and ‘Reach’ initiatives and how to be part of the GGA innovation pilot group. 

Lunch |12.30pm – 1.15pm 

Session 2 – GGA updates – project portfolio, network composition, member revenue 

Session 3 – Meet the GGA network [around-the-room 5-minute update from each group – identify collaboration partners!] 

Session 4 – Capacity Building session – Stakeholder mapping – facilitated session to update your groups stakeholder map informing your engagement and communications plan.

Session 5 – Funders / Research & Development Corporations [GRDC, MLA] – if your group is in projects with GRDC and MLA, they’d like you in the room and to be part of these conversations. 

Poolside Sundowner | 5.00pm – 6.00pm 

Session 6 – Meet the GGA staff team – group speed dating format during the 1-hour poolside sundowner [canapes and drinks] – we have had 10 staff changes since last year, come find out who does what!

Networking Dinner

7.00pm – 9.30pm

Build your connections with fellow GGA network groups and staff over a social 3-course sit down dinner at the Aloft. Have a laugh whilst getting to know each other as we play the ‘truth or lie’ game throughout the evening.

Speaker spotlight Bonnie Jupp on ‘The Adventures of Bonnie in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as panellist speaker at the United Nations convention COP16’

*Ticket Includes 3-course meal and some beverages.

Friday 14 February

Networking Breakfasts

Session 7 – Early bird session 7.30-8.30am will be a working breakfast with staff members in similar roles from different member groups. There will be 3 breakfast groups to choose from with special interest topics specific to each role discussed over breakfast.

Breakfast 1 – CEO / Executive Officers – hosted by GGA CEO Rikki Foss with special guest from lawyers Jackson McDonald for an early bird briefing + Q&A conversation. Learn how recent ATO changes could affect not-for-profit group constitutions and entity structures.

Breakfast 2 – Project Officers – discuss topics and plans for the 2025 Researchers Professional Development Program – hosted by GGA project managers

Breakfast 3 – Communications Officers – hosted by GGA Comms staff – discuss a new idea for regular comms ‘Community of Practice’ catch-ups

Standing breakfast included

Late arrival – from 8.30am – 8.45am

Session 8 – 2025 Capacity Building Program outline – we reveal members highest-ranked priorities from our annual survey and what training activities will run in 2025 for groups to up-skill.

Session 9 – 30 min Capacity Building technical skills – Communications planning using Airtable – [selected from annual survey priorities]

Session 10a– 90 min NEW Projects showcase – hear from fellow member groups about major projects they’ve been working on, discover new knowledge to extend to your own farming community. [time for 9 x 6-minute project spotlights – from 6-member group projects + 3 GGA projects]. Lodge and Lodge an EOI to present a project here.

Session 10b – Working with GGA – Member feedback session – first introduced at Lift Off ’23, this interactive session provides an opportunity for members to share valuable feedback on GGA’s direction. Join us to discuss how we can strengthen engagement, improve operations, and ensure GGA continues to support the needs of the network effectively. Your input helps shape the future—be part of the conversation!

Session 11 – 60 min HR Roundtable -discussion on recruiting, retaining and possibly sharing staff within the GGA network or interstate groups. Facilitated using the ‘world cafe’ format for collective problem-solving. 

Close – key insights, actions and wrap-up of the event

Lunch – 12.30pm – 1.30pm

*Delegates can depart for home either at morning tea, before or after lunch.


Sessions 8 & 9

Session 10b

Ticket Prices

Selected ticket prices have been subsidised by GGA and Farmanco
*All prices are inclusive of GST and GGA will cover ticketing fees from Eventbrite

Ticket 1 – $140 Both days [incl. all sessions, morning/arvo teas both days, 2 lunches, 1 sundowner, 3-course dinner, 1 breakfast]

Ticket 2 – $50 Thurs day only [incl. morn/arvo tea, 1 lunch, 1 sundowner ]

Ticket 3 – $100 Thurs all [incl. morn/arvo tea, 1 lunch, 1 sundowner, 3-course dinner]

Ticket 4 – $35 Sundowner only

Ticket 5 – $85 Thurs dinner only

Ticket 6 – $40 Friday [incl brekky, morn/arvo tea, 1 lunch]


Please contact Aloft directly for room bookings. Ph: 6147 2440


Undercover Wilson parking is located underneath the Aloft [access via Rowe Ave]

Registration deadline

For catering and accommodation planning purposes, registrations close 4pm Monday 10 February, 2025.

Who’s going RSVP list

As registrations come in GGA will be periodically updating a RSVP register so you can connect with other guests in advance.
Browse the live guest list here


Event Sponsors

Lift Off ’25 has been brought to the network with sponsorship by GGA and Farmanco


Posted on

08 Jul 2024