This project support growers to access precision agriculture training through a series of hands-on workshops run through 2021.
A GRDC funded national project led by SPAA, GGA will collaborate with grower groups to host workshops bringing together local dealers, PA experts, and software providers to demonstrate PA using the tools growers have. Activities will vary for each location based upon feedback but could include getting data in and out of monitors, creating prescriptions, setting up management trees and paddock boundaries.
This is a second round of workshops in the series open to new and returning participants, no experience or prior attendance necessary.
Workshop Dates
Once registered for a workshop, you’ll be sent a quick a survey so we know what equipment you use and what you’d like to learn. Please complete this to ensure the right people are available on the day to answer your questions.
Yuna Farming Improvement Group – June 17 12.30-5.30pm
Facey Group & Corrigin Farming Improvement Group – Yealering – July 28th 12.30-5.00pm
Bruce Rock LCDC – July 29th – 12-4.30pm
Southern Dirt – August 9 – 12.30-5pm
Fitzgerald Biosphere Group – August 10 – 12.30-5pm
Lakes Information & Farming Technology – August 11 – 1-5pm
West Midlands Group – Sept 15 – 12.30-4:30pm
Liebe Group – Sept 20th – 12.30-4.30pm
Women in Farming – Ongerup – Sept 17th – details TBC
Facilitators: Bindi Isbister (Northern) , Alice Butler & Blake O’Meagher (Southern)
GGA Contact: Michelle Condy
*GRDC Project# SPA2001-001SAX