The Grains Convo Podcast shines a spotlight on the knowledge and tools developed by DPIRD to grow the grains industry.
DPIRD has a range of projects covering crop protection, crop production, soils and genetics in broadacre agriculture. These episodes will provide updates on those projects and give growers information to help their decision making during the season.
Hosted by DPIRD research scientists Cindy Webster and Janette Pratt, the episodes include interviews with other DPIRD researchers, as well as industry experts and WA growers.

Cindy Webster is based at the Narrogin DPIRD office and was raised on a mixed crop and livestock farm near Pingelly.
She graduated from The University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management (honours) and has worked at DPIRD since 2006 in the Grains Portfolio. She worked as a development officer for several years doing trial work, organising local GRDC Research update events and working with local grower groups.
In addition to hosting Grains Convo, Cindy is the editor of the industry renown PestFacts WA newsletter and leads the DPIRD Crop Protection communications team where she hosts webinars and works on other exciting extension projects.
She really enjoys communicating crop protection information to the WA grains industry in the most exciting and engaging way possible.
Janette Pratt is based at the Moora DPIRD office and was raised on a mixed farm and station north of Northampton, on the Murchison River.
She graduated from Murdoch University with a Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology and has worked at DPIRD since 2000, originally as a technical officer in wheat breeding and then as a development officer in farming systems, as well as relationship manager with local grower groups.
In addition to Grains Convo, Janette is the editor of the Protecting WA Crops newsletter, the communications officer for disease epidemiology and management tools project and also works in the DPIRD Crop Protection communications team.
Janette enjoys engaging with people across the agricultural industry and hearing about the exciting research that is occurring.
For a detailed overview of the Grains Convo episodes, please click here.