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1 Day Governance Workshop [2022]

An essential workshop for volunteers, committee and staff of not-for-profits seeking to build skills and knowledge in best practice governance, improve operation and lead their community group with high impact, confidence and compliance. Workshop will run via zoom on May 30, 2022 and provide around 5.5 hours content.


Approximately six hours content in the course.

Session 1 | 9am – 10.30am (1hr 30 min)

Break 10.30am -10.45am (15 min)

Session 2 | 10.45 – 12.15 pm (1hr 30 min)

Lunch 12.15pm – 12.45pm (30 min)

Session 3 |12.45pm – 2.15pm (1hr 30 min)

Break 2.15- 2.30pm (15min)

Session 4 | 2.30-4.00pm (1hr 15min)

Handout Pack

Course Content

Roles and Responsibilities of a Not-For-Profit Board

  • Introduction to governance for committee members of not-for-profit organisations
  • Duties and responsibilities of committees and boards
  • The role of the not-for-profit board
  • Key characteristics of a high performing board
  • Accountability and performance measurement
  • Characteristics of a high performance board

Characteristics of a High Performance Board

  • Recognise Directors add value individually & collectively
  • Awareness of the characteristics of a high impact Board
  • Clarity about the leadership roles of Board and Directors
  • Place importance on culture, teamwork and engagement
  • Recognise the important role of the Chair
  • Understand Stakeholders and need for engagement
  • Reviewing and measuring Board performance

Strategy and Risk for the Not-For-Profit Director

  • Introduction to setting and achieving strategic goals
  • Strategic planning for your not-for-profit group
  • Risk management for not-for-profit organisations
  • Working with stakeholders

		1 Day GGA  & CBH Not-for-profit Governance Workshop image

Benefits of the workshop

The benefits of doing governance training are immediate but can last a lifetime:

  • Understand your legal exposure as a volunteer on a committee
  • Learn minimum best practice plans, processes and policies your group should have
  • Identify actionable items your group needs to address to be more functional
  • Learn how to support your group to have a greater impact in your community
  • Guide your committee on how to be more cohesive and make community service fun

Format & Features of the Workshop

Delivery – we are delivering this online using Zoom

In person option – Covid permitting we may add in and offer delegates to swap to an in person format in Perth (venue TBA). Please answer the question during registration about your preferences on this option. This switch will be offered about one week out if available.

Handouts – a useful collection of handouts have been curated (click here).

Interactive Q&A format – The sessions will be interactive with the instructor fielding questions as they arise. You will benefit from these interactions as regional not-for-profit groups experience similar challenges.

		1 Day GGA  & CBH Not-for-profit Governance Workshop image

25 Places

There is space for 25 delegates and will be filled on a first come first served basis. *We require a minimum of 15 delegates at each workshop to proceed.

In addition to agriculture grower group delegates, the workshops are usually attended by a diverse group of volunteers such as sporting clubs, community event groups etc. This provides a rich opportunity to share experiences, challenges and insights with other volunteers involved with not for profit groups around WA and perhaps pick up innovative ways to tackle common issues.

15 seats are specifically set aside for agricultural industry participants and up to 10 seats will be available for general community group participants such as regional schools or sporting club volunteers wishing to extend their governance skills. Spread the word!

*If interest is very strong we may need to restrict participants to a maximum of 4 per group/organisation.

Other training available


Available 24/7 and for free, our six episode Governance Podcast produced in conjunction with governance instructor Peter Fitzpatrick, is ideal support for new onboarding committee members and covers key Governance principles. Simply click to browse the series and listen on your phone or computer.

Other Governance Training Options

GGA has four FREE governance training options this year to support not-for-profit groups to achieve improved functionality and impact.

12 hour Governance e-course
6 hour 1 day Governance Workshop
3 Hour Reading Financial Statements Workshop
3 Hour Business Models Masterclass

Click through to Eventbrite to browse the 2022 collection.

Project Sponsor


Posted on

19 Apr 2020