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‘Going Places’ Study Tour [2022]

Mapped out over four days, the study tour will cover over 1,400 km between Perth and Geraldton, showcase 15 diverse agricultural industry sites and provide up to 21 participants a high-impact professional development experience that will boost technical knowledge and strengthen industry relationships.

Our itinerary is dotted with both iconic and lesser know industry players. Participants will be connected with industry thought-leaders and come face to face with inspiring enterprise innovations.

Top Picture credit: David Coaker holds a 10-month-old barramundi grown on his Morawa cropping farm taken by Danella Bevis Countryman.

Itinerary Sites 26-29 July

The diverse mix of 15 sites on the study tour will bring participants up to date with current challenges and issues, strategies and solutions being explored and stimulate high-level holistic thinking.

We aim to support participants to identify blind spots in their own regional context around both supporting their own member stakeholders and pipeline activity within their own groups agenda.

Day 1 / Tue 26 July

  1. UWA Bee Yard / hosted by the Bee Industry Council of WA looking at pollinator research and current issues facing the honeybee that are integral in production of 35 different food crops.
  2. UWA Shenton Park Field Station / hosted by UWA looking at new research on UWA’s agricultural engineering for chemical free weed management plus one other TBA.
  3. Boola Boornap Nursery / hosted by Noongar Land Enterprise WA’s first indigenous grower group presenting an update on their trailblazing enterprise activity including their seedling nursery, honey product line, development of a new bushtucker enterprise and possible indigenous consulting services to the ag sector.
  4. Sandalwood Plantation / hosted by the Australian Sandalwood Network looking at the role of native Sandalwood plantations in a farming enterprise for business diversification, biodiversity and environmental services as well as a shade and shelter option for livestock systems.
  5. Stored Grain site / hosted by grain extension expert Ben White at Candeloro’s farm at Nunile viewing best practice grain storage processes at their recently expanded 42,000-tonne grain storage facility.

Day 2 / Wed 27 July

  1. Farm Water desalinisation plant / hosted by DPIRD’s WaterSmart Farms Principal Researcher, Richard George at the Sewells farm showing the capacity of desalinisation plants as a strategy to de risk on-farm water solutions.
  2. Dianne & Ian Haggerty’s farm at Mollerin / looking at their holistic Natural Intelligence Farming approach to nutrient-dense food production underpinned by transformative use of biological fertilisers to reactivate natural ecology on their cropping/sheep enterprises spanning 26,000ha in sandy salt land country. We’ll also hear about their short-chain food distribution channels supplying their value-added product to conscious consumers.
  3. LIEBE Office tour / hosted by LIEBE team we’ll take a quick look through their impressive modern premises equipped with labs, meeting and hospitality areas that was custom refitted as a result of community support and a GRDC grant.
  4. Stuart McAlpines farm at Buntine / looking at his soil biology stewardship approach to whole cropping/pastoral enterprise spanning 4,000ha, native perennials pasture cattle system, emissions measurement pilot work, his links as key lupin producer and Director of Wide Open Agriculture and their food brand Dirty Clean Food.

Day 3 / Thur 28 July

  1. Brendan Haeuslers farm at Carnamah / looking at mixed farm of cropping /sheep enterprise, land hydration and restoration strategies, and experiences with his own value-added lamb meat brand.
  2. WA College of Agriculture Morawa / looking at their school abattoir with paddock to plate local distribution, their R&D Trials work and potential for tapping the ag college network to cultivate a recruiting pipeline of talent for Research Officer / Ag positions. We’ll chat on-site about possibilities for this with DPIRD’s workforce & business capability development for the Primary Industries team.
  3. Barramundi Aquaculture x Cropping farm / showcasing enterprise resilience via a business diversification strategy whilst dealing with a saline water issue. Since 2014, Coakers have been building a vertically integrated (direct to the restaurant) barramundi aquaculture farm within their 9,300ha cropping enterprise which produces wheat, canola, barley, and lupin.
  4. Carbon Farming site / Carbon Farming site in the Canna area, it is a 10-year-old tree project set out in rows providing alley pasture grazing for livestock. Tom Picton-Warlow from DPIRD will join us to explain the emergence of Natural Capital accounting and how this will impact the farm enterprise balance sheet and DPIRD’s work in the Carbon Farming space to support land-owners.

Day 4 / Fri 29 July

  1. Batten Farms agtech case study / hosted by the Battens and Bindi Isbister DPRID’s agtech expert, we look at this low rainfall mixed cropping and sheep enterprise that has used variable rate technology, controlled traffic farming methods, deep ripping, and soil moisture probes in their farming practices for over a decade.
  2. Geraldton Drought Hub Node /morning tea visit hosted by SW WA Drought Hub node lead Northern Agricultural Catchments Council. We meet the team and find out why they stepped forward to get involved with the Hub, the challenges in their stakeholder’s farming context and the pipeline of projects they envision. Time permitting we will do a drive-by of the CBH Geraldton Port.

Live Google Maps Itinerary Link

Browse the itinerary by each day via this Google Maps link

*Whilst every effort has been made to firm up the itinerary, it may be subject to change. As working farms, unforeseen circumstances may require us to change our planned visit day or time.

Key Benefits

Participants can expect the following benefits from the study tour experience

  • Increased awareness of current farming issues, trends, and technical strategies
  • Inspired high-level holistic thinking around opportunities and identifying blind spots in own context
  • Expanded professional contacts within the GGA Network and industry
  • Opportunity to detach from the regular work environment for perspective and clarity around their own industry role and impact
  • Opportunity for improved working relationships through a shared learning experience

Monday 25 July – Pre Tour Social Meetup & Briefing

To ensure a hassle-free departure at 8am sharp the first morning the tour starts, we request all participants arrive into Perth the night before the tour on Monday 25th July. GGA will host a pre-tour evening social gathering at the Tribe Hotel in West Perth with food and accommodation included.

You’ll meet your fellow tour participants, hear from a couple of key speakers on industry issues and trends. GGA will run through the tour plan and key aspects to ensure a successful experience.

2.00pm / Check in will be from 2pm onwards.

6.00pm / Meetup at the Tribe Hotel lobby lounge (bar open, own expense)

6.30pm / Dinner available (included), socialising

7.00pm / Short info piece update by two special guests / TBA

7.30pm / Tour overview & around the room introductions

'Going Places' Study Tour - Perth to Geraldton image

Pictured:Top / Tribe lobby lounge where we will gather for our pre tour dinner social briefing . Bottom / Tribe room and ensuite.

Ticket Cost & Places

  • At this stage participation is being sold as a complete 4-night / 4-day experience.
  • Accommodation is available for 21 delegtes on the tour.
  • Tag -a- long self-drive participation for part of the trip is discouraged but will be considered on request to Kallista Bolton kbolton@gga.org.au
  • A minimum of 15 total passengers with staff/committee delegates from at least 5 grower groups participating is required by 5pm Monday 18 July for the tour to run.

Pricing for 4-Night/4-Day participation:

$750 for GGA Grower Group ‘Staff /Committee’ Delegate

$900 for all other Delegates


  • Free parking at DPIRD for your car whilst away on tour
  • Transfer from DPIRD Kensington to Tribe Hotel pre tour
  • Drop off at DPIRD Kensington car yard post tour.
  • 1-night pre-tour accommodation (Mon 25th July) at Tribe Hotel Social gathering
  • 3-Nights on tour accommodation (Tue 26/Wed 27/Thus 28 July).
  • All meals (brekky/lunch/dinner) from Monday night pre-tour to morning tea at Geraldton on Friday last day.
  • Tour transport
  • Bottled water during the day on the bus.

Not included :

  • Any beverages with meals
  • Any alcoholic beverages

Optional Payment Plan:

Payment via a 3-month installment payment plan can be arranged for GGA Network member groups otherwise payment can be made easily at registration by credit card or via bank deposit on invoice generated at registration.

Who can Register?

This tour is primarily catering to the GGA Network Stakeholders as a professional development networking experience with extra places for growers and industry.

A minimum of 15 total passengers with staff/committee delegates from at least 5 grower groups participating is required by 5pm Monday 18 July for the tour to run.

First-round offers – will go to the GGA Network with the highest number of places available to Grower Groups with staff.

Second-round offer – open to all other GGA Network groups and the wider industry.

GGA has the right to refund a ticket should the ticket holder not be deemed an eligible stakeholder. To check first contact Kallista Bolton on 0421 623 406 or kbolton@gga.org.au

'Going Places' Study Tour - Perth to Geraldton image


A fit-for-purpose, 23-passenger all-terrain touring vehicle has been booked to provide safety and comfort.

Features include

  • 23 seats + professional driver (we are capped by accommodation though to 21+driver)
  • Seatbelts
  • Reclining seats with head support and good legroom
  • Undercarriage luggage hold
  • Bullbar for impact safety
  • Handheld microphone
  • TV and DVD player (for short site videos)
  • Air-conditioning
  • Superior clearance for gravel and pot-holed road conditions (48cm undercarriage clearance)
  • Compact vehicle for tight turning circles (9.4m length)
  • Sloped front and rear body to avoid low-to-ground scrapes on tight turns
'Going Places' Study Tour - Perth to Geraldton image


On the road we will be immersing ourselves in a small town regional experience utilising a variety of accommodations with capacity in some locations limited and the group spread over two properties.

We have a mix of country pubs, motels, bed and breakfasts, backpacker style and self-contained set up’s.

Most nights we have individual rooms with ensuites however some properties use share bathroom facilities, and in a couple of locations, depending on participant numbers we may require a few willing participants to volunteer for a twin share room configuration where there are two separate beds in one larger room.

Pre Tour – Mon 25 July / Tribe Hotel West Perth

Night 1 / Tues 26 July / Goomalling with rooms at Goomalling Hotel and Silver Possum B&B

Night 2 / Wed 27 July / Coorow with rooms at Coorow Hotel and the Barracks

Night 3 / Thur 28 July / Mullewa with rooms at Mullewa Hotel / Motel and Inspirations of Mullewa (motel)

Optional add on Fri 29 July / an extra night accommodation on return to Perth can be booked at Tribe Hotel at special rate of $153.00 per room per night (room only).

GGA Crew

Participants will have the opportunity to get to know a number of GGA team members that will be along for the tour including Kallista Bolton (Tour Leader), Rikki Foss, Alison Lacey and Amber Atkinson. Two Drought Hub staff are also looking to join the study tour.

'Going Places' Study Tour - Perth to Geraldton image

Vehicle Parking

There are two options for vehicle parking whilst we are on tour.

  1. Tribe Hotel, under the hotel at $15 per car per night.
  2. Free parking at the DPIRD Kensington/South Perth office car yard. This site has 24-hour security and cars are fenced off. We will be running a GGA transfer at 5.00pm from DPIRD across to Tribe Hotel.

Whilst both sites have security in place, no responsibility for car damage is accepted by the venue of GGA.

Pictured below: DPIRD Car parking is available at 3 Baron-Hay Court offices, parking is available on both the left and right side of main building as seen below.

'Going Places' Study Tour - Perth to Geraldton image

Study Tour Sponsor

Farmanco Management Consultants have provided generous sponsorship for the 2022 GGA Study Tour. This sponsorship has been directly applied to subsidise participant ticket price.

'Going Places' Study Tour - Perth to Geraldton image

Posted on

12 May 2022