The South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub (SW WA Hub) Extension and Adoption team will deliver a six-part technical content training program on extension and adoption involving two face-to-face workshops and four online workshops, between May 18 to June 29.
Content will suit grower group staff or industry consultants that extend research to support farmer adoption.
Approximately 18 hours content in the program with flexible participation – register for some or all dates.
Learning Objectives
While this six-part program is designed as continuing professional development for those who have some experience in adoption and extension and are ready to take their skills to a higher level, newcomers are also welcome and will benefit from taking part.
Learning objectives include:
- Understand modern approaches to extension and adoption
- Identify and document your project context including Research, Development, Extension and Adoption (RDE&A) outcomes and priorities
- Develop the business case for any Research, Development or Adoption work your group wants to undertake
- Clarify target audiences’ desired levels of change
- Understand the steps in developing an extension plan to achieve desired level change
- Develop an extension plan for your program
- Develop an event plan for a field day or workshop
- Have a basic understanding of facilitation techniques used in an agricultural context
- Understand the basic steps in monitoring and evaluation
Dates and Delivery
Where content is considered essential it is marked ***Recommended essential
Module 1 – May 18 workshop |10am – 3pm 5 hrs (in person – Pagoda Resort and Spa, Como) – Issue capture/situational analysis & KASA/MAKAT // Helps to better define priorities, then flesh them out for funding proposals or for R, D or E work. Will work with group map as a training tool. Facilitator – Julianne Hill with Alison Lacey
Module 2 – May 25 session | 9am – 11:30am 2.5 hrs (online) – Extension event planning // getting the most out of guest presenters and subject matter experts, running events that the audience wants. Facilitators – Maddison McNeil with Theo Nabben
Module 3 – June 1 workshop | 10am – 3pm 5 hrs (in person – Pagoda Resort and Spa, Como)- Extension planning framework // Plan a suite of extension activities – planning for change, target audiences, plan activities, team capacity, evaluation, risk management etc. Facilitators – Theo Nabben with Maddison McNeil, and Alison Lacey ***Recommended essential
Module 4 – June 15 session | 9am – 11:30am 2.5hrs (online)- Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation // Can include a range – but defining evaluation questions, develop M & E plan, choose methods, management evaluation. Facilitator – Theo Nabben with Alison Lacey
Module 5 – June 22 session | 9am – 11:30am 2.5hrs (online)- Facilitation Training // Aimed at new staff – how to facilitate managing meetings, format and processes in member/stakeholder engagement. Facilitator – Julianne Hill, Theo Nabben, Maddison McNeil ***Recommended essential
Module 6 – June 29 session -| 9am -10am 1hr (online)- Group Chat Mentoring session // Group session focused on discussing and evaluating individual participants’ case-by-case challenges on E&A programs they may be currently delivering or have in the pipeline. Facilitator – Julianne Hill, Theo Nabben, Maddison McNeil
Benefits of the extension & adoption training program
The benefits of doing this extension & adoption training program will be immediate but can last a lifetime:
- Gain clarity around the technical delivery process
- Develop confidence and professional skills to enhance relevance of your group to stakeholders
- Define your organisations E&A vision and goals
- Learn how to identify where delivery format needs adjustment for impact
- Build a professional community of practice with colleagues through the WA agricultural industry
- Improve your group’s ability to have local impact with adoption of improved practice.
Format & Features
Delivery – due to the geographical spread of stakeholders, delivery will be in a blended learning format with two workshops in person and four online using Zoom
Handouts – a useful collection of handouts will be curated
Peer-to-peer learning – Enjoy an interactive process and benefit from other experienced agriculture industry professionals with with similar challenges
Interactive Q&A format – The sessions will be interactive with the instructor fielding questions as they arise.
Places & Pricing
There is space for 30 delegates and places will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
Hub Consortium Partners and GGA network members have free access.
All other industry delegates are welcome with a ticketing fee of $50 per online session and $100 for the face-to-face session.
A waitlist will run.
Special discount accommodation rate for delegates at the Pagoda Resort and Spa (please advise the Pagoda when booking).

Workshop Host: South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub
Direct any enquiries about participation in the event to the workshop’s coordinator Alison Lacey – Project Manager
0429 084 421