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Dry Season Response Outreach

GGA is partnering within the WA government’s dry season response program. Through the newly formed Dry Season Task Force, GGA will administer a five-part plan to support mobilisation of on-ground efforts around community wellbeing in the agricultural sector.

Grower Group Alliance five-part plan

GGA has been contracted via a $250,000 package to partner in the dry season response initiatives. Our five-part plan will support and mobilise on-ground efforts for community wellbeing in the agriculture sector.

  • Part 1 – [CLOSED] Grants of $5,000-$35,000 to support existing or new initiatives led by GGA members or other local agricultural groups.
  • Part 2 – On-ground intelligence gathering – GGA will provide a channel to capture local on-ground situation updates to relay to the Dry Season Taskforce to support informed decision-making as the situation evolves.
  • Part 3 – Knowledge Directory – curating all known dry season events, resources and financial initiatives across organisations
  • Part 4 – Communications support – driving engagement with all dry season initiatives leveraging the GGA suite of digital assets
  • Part 5 – Collaboration – GGA will engage in weekly DPIRD Response communications team meetings around planned activities and attend weekly Dry Season Response team meetings for information cross-sharing.

Part 1 – Grants [now closed]

GGA has assessed and approved grants from $5000 – $35,000 for GGA network members, and other agriculture groups / organisations to mobilise dry season response initiatives in their area. Grant funds are now fully used and grant applications have closed with 21 applications supported [listed below].

Supported Grant Recipients

Part 2 – On-ground intelligence gathering

GGA will relay on-ground situation updates directly to the Dry Season Taskforce to support informed decision-making as the situation evolves.

Submit a local on-ground update via the form below:

Part 3 – ‘Knowledge Directory’

Below are upcoming known events, resources or financial initiatives available in relation to dry season response activities. Add your initiative to these lists via the ‘Add listing’ button below.



Financial Support

Part 4 – Communications Support

GGA will drive engagement with all dry season initiatives leveraging the GGA suite of digital assets:

  • GGA Dry Season webpage – submit your initiative to be showcased on this page here
  • Social media channels – Tag us on Twitter/X [Tag us @GGA_WA] and LinkedIn [Tag us @Grower Group Alliance]
  • Mass emails to the network [on special request – limited to DPIRD and or [Part 1] GGA Dry Season Response Grant recipients]

Part 5 – Collaboration with ‘Dry Season Response’ planning

GGA will engage in weekly DPIRD Response communications meetings to collaborate on planned activities, plus attend weekly Dry Season Response team meetings for information cross-sharing.

News Updates



Financial Support

Dry Season Taskforce Updates


Submit an enquiry to the GGA project team via Kallista Bolton [GGA Stakeholder & Communications Manager] via kallista.bolton@gga.org.au

Project team


Posted on

30 Jun 2024