Who are GGA Members
The GGA is a thriving state-wide WA network of over 60 local grower groups with a collective membership exceeding 4,000 WA farm enterprises. Groups operate across most sectors of agriculture with a diverse range of scale and specific purpose.
The Grower Group Alliance was established almost 20 years ago by grower groups, for grower groups with the intent of building capacity and collaboration between grower groups, researchers and funding bodies.
As the GGA network matures, that intent holds strong and the diverse and collaborative GGA network of today is considered high value to our state and national agricultural ecosystem.
Benefits of Membership
GGA helps member groups become more visible in the industry and gain access to collaborative opportunities by developing their capacity and connection to a trusted, high profile network.
It is widely recognised that a functional, farmer-led network of WA grower groups has and will attract network-scale research and innovation investment into WA.
Key member benefits:
1. Visibility | Members of GGA position themselves for high visibility and access to collaborative opportunities.
2. Influence | Members legitimise their status as a formal GGA stakeholder with ability to advocate for their interests.
3. Opportunity | Members receive priority access to GGA Brokered Programs and Capacity Building activities.
4. Networking| Membership provides access to agricultural leaders and influencers across WA, cross sector exchange via enriching divergent thinking, innovation through inclusive thinking and opportunity for game-changing collaborations.
5. Support | Members enjoy the support of the GGA team connecting them to opportunities aligned with each groups stage of development, objectives and status in the industry.
Cost of Membership
GGA membership is currently free.
Objects of the GGA
Membership is free and open to groups or individuals who support the objects of GGA which are:
“The objects of the Alliance are to promote the development of agricultural resources in Australia and more particularly through inter alia, activities that assist Grower Group members, and members of members, through liaison coordination and direct action with regard to fostering and bringing about increased production and profitability of commercial farm businesses through the adaption and adoption of new value chain technologies; the delivery of locally relevant research, development and extension, and the provision of support networks for participatory applied research and farmer-to farmer technology and education exchange.”
How to Join GGA
There are multiple classes of membership to GGA. Only incorporated grower groups are eligible for a voting rights class of membership. All other organisations fall into various Associate classes.
Memberships must be approved by the GGA Board at the next available quarterly meeting and follow a formal process.
Step 1 – Enquire
Contact Kallista Bolton at GGA to discuss your objectives for joining GGA, identify what value your organisation will add to the GGA network and resolve your eligible class of membership.
Step 2 – Apply
No applications will be considered without Step 1. The Stakeholder & Communications Manager is responsible for briefing the GGA Board on every application for membership. Complete the digital membership form below on this page following your preliminary discussion with Kallista Bolton.

Kallista Bolton
Stakeholder & Communications Manager
Contact Kallista Bolton to discuss membership with GGA prior to making an application on 0421 623 406 or kbolton@gga.org.au
Definition of a Grower Group
A grower group (eligible for voting rights class of membership) is defined within the GGA Constitution (Page 2 of Rules) as:
“A Grower Group (aka Farming Systems Group) means an incorporated, not‐for‐profit group of farmers formed with objects aimed at, but not limited to, increasing the production and profitability of their member’s farm businesses through the adoption of new value chain technologies; the delivery of locally relevant research, development and extension, and the provision of support networks for participatory applied research and farmer‐to‐farmer technology and education exchange and the like”
Apply for Membership
Approval Process
Memberships are considered by the GGA Board at each quarters meeting of Directors and assessed based on their reasons for joining and value they bring to strengthen the GGA Network.
Membership approval is not automatic and according to Rule 10.5 (page 5) of the GGA Constitution:
(5) The Board may reject an application even if the applicant —
(a) is eligible under rule 8; and
(b) has applied under rule 9.
Furthermore under Rule 10.7 (page 5) of the GGA Constitution:
(7) If the Board rejects the application, the Board is not required to give the applicant its reasons for doing so
The Board must notify the applicant of the Board’s decision to accept or reject the application as soon as practicable after making the decision.