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Dress Code For Cocktail Party

A week out from the GGA Gala Cocktail Party and guests are asking “so what exactly is Cocktail Party dress code?”

So, it’s definitely not black tie formal gowns and tuxedos, it’s “semi-formal after-five” outfits with flexibility for a bit for fun, creativity and colour in your dressing.Technically it’s between formal and casual, elegant and comfortable…..


 / Not formal black tie or tuxedo, think suit with a pop of colour in a bold tie or bow tie and sports jacket, although both ties and jackets are optional! On your feet, ditch the runners, grab your leather dress shoe, fashionable loafers or polish the RM’s up.


Ladies / Not floor length ball gowns, think knee length, 3/4 length, dressy pant or jumpsuit. A heel is typical but it’s a stand up event so dress for comfort. It’s also winter and we do have access to an open air terrace at the venue so we suggest a sleeve or cover up / wrap / jacket on hand.

 / The word Gala has a few guests thinking “Logies Awards”…Gala simply means a “big party” celebration occasion with some form of entertainment. We have a “lounge DJ” booked and may have a few surprises up our sleeve for entertainment on the night….

Get the look
 / For those that need a picture, click here for some fashion ideas.


Helpline / Still confused, call me on the “Fashion Helpline” and I’ll talk you through it!


Expect one more logistics email later this week with details like parking etc.

The whole GGA team is really looking forward Forum23. We have around 130 guests coming. Registrations close Tuesday 20th, 5pm so if you know anyone not registered yet and planning to come, give them a nudge.


Thank you for being part of what we’re sure will be a fantastic industry event.


Kallista Bolton

GGA Stakeholder & Communications Manager

0421 623 406 | kbolton@gga.org.au