DPIRD-GGA Collaboration Agreement
GGA’s major strategic operational WA partnership continues to be with DPIRD, via a formal DPIRD-GGA collaboration agreement first executed in May 2019.
The initial term of the collaboration was over four-years, from May 2019 – May 2023 and valued at $4.3 million.
From November 2021, this was extended to a six-year term with a revised value of $7.3 million (over the whole life of the agreement) with a new expiry of May 2025.
GGA’s performance under the collaboration agreement is monitored by a Collaboration Council with six-monthly periodical reporting to KPIs.
By capitalising on DPIRD’s research capability, the collaboration will continue to focus on lifting investment further into on-ground innovation and adoption practices that will lead to practice change for the benefit of WA agriculture.
To date, the agreement has provided immense opportunities for grower groups and their extended farmer-driven networks and is strengthening links between grower groups, their members, research providers and agribusiness.
“I look forward to seeing the GGA continue to grow from strength-to-strength, as well as its contribution to the growth, resilience, sustainability and profitability of our important agricultural sector.”
Collaboration Features
- Total State Government investment of $7.3m over six years
- GGA Inc. retains independence under a skills based and representative Board
- GGA is co-located with DPIRD in Perth accessible to grower groups and industry
The DPIRD Investment Split
- 30% cash resources for GGA operations
- 70% DPIRD staff, resources and support services operating under GGA management
Collaboration Outcome Areas
- Network Projects – working with grower groups to design grower driven, network-scale projects and attract investment from strategic partners to drive research and innovation in WA agriculture
- Benchmarking & Building – Supporting groups to be fit, strong and sustainable by delivering training and development in a systematic, strategic way.
- Technology & Innovation – Facilitate opportunities for groups by linking grower groups with innovators and the agtech industry to ensure emerging innovations are relevant to WA farmers