Grower Group Alliance

Home / News / Grower Groups receive COGGO Funding

The Council of Grain Growers Organisation (COGGO) grants, aimed at addressing research gaps in the Western Australian grains industry, provide funding to projects that may not be eligible for GRDC or other traditional sources of funding. Congratulations to the six grower groups that were successful in the 2016 COGGO R&D Fund;

  • Mingenew Irwin Group: Innovations for on-farm grain storage 
  • SEPWA: Headless Barley – some direction for growers
  • SEPWA: Lime-laying trials for the future
  • West Midlands Group: Trialing a double break
  • Corrigin Farm Improvement Group: Rotational choices for profitable crops on medium to heavy textured soils of the Eastern Wheatbelt
  • Facey Group: Incorporating lime to depth in duplex wheatbelt soils
  • North East Farming Futures: Farm scale, low rainfall, canola plant establishment trial using commonly available seeding bars

For more information about other COGGO projects contact Chris Wilkins, T: 0427 940 925, E: