Grower Group Alliance

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There is no two grower group business models the same, they all have different strengths and strategies in how they service their grower members and extend information.

This was the take home message from the Grower Group Alliance study tour, with five grower group staff and committee, seeking to understand grower group business models across Victoria and South Australia.

Seeing different perspectives from other grower groups and producers on how to improve productivity and sustainability has sparked new ideas for the tour group to take home and trial. The group valued the opportunity to learn the inside workings of the different grower groups and farming businesses they visited.

To read the full media release click here. More information about the groups learnings will be presented at the GGA Annual Forum, and included in the GGA Business Models of Grower Groups Case Study Book. The GGA will also be writing a paper for APEN.

For more information on GGA tours, or how we can support your group to organise your own study tour, contact Rebecca Wallis, T: 6180 5759, E:

PHOTO: Tour Group at the Southern Farming Systems main trial site in Inverleigh, Vic.
Anne Sparrow (Fitzgerald Biosphere Group), Pip Crook (Southern DIRT), Jon Midwood (Southern Farming Systems Executive Officer), Veronika Crouch (Corrigin Farm Improvement Group), Rebecca Wallis (Grower Group Alliance), Andrea Blake (Corrigin Farm Improvement Group) and Jenny Thomas (North East Farming Futures)